ユキフルヒ-Snow Ball-MD1
2024年9月14日 23:00 に販売終了
「ユキフルヒ-Snow Ball-」は表情豊かな青い海鼠釉(なまこゆう)の地に、金彩の雪玉模様を配したシリーズ。ひとつひとつ手描きで描かれる雪玉模様はわずかな揺らぎがあり、しんしんと降る雪の粒のようです。陶器パーツの上に金の釉薬で雪玉を描き、800度の窯で焼き付け。研磨後に再度雪玉を重ね描き、その工程を何度も繰り返すことでようやくこの輝きに発色します。
サイズ:直径20mm 厚さ1.5mm
“Snow Ball" is a series of gold-painted snowball patterns on a richly expressive blue Namako glazed base.The snow ball patterns are hand-painted one by one, and the tasteful coloring and matte texture of the Namako glaze create a design that is both cute and elegant.The good sense of presence makes them a key piece in an outfit. The delicate molding method has achieved a thickness of only 1.5 mm, making it light and comfortable to wear without feeling the weight of ceramics. This is an accessory for those who enjoy a sense of fun and playfulness as they age.
Studio: Shiraiwayaki Waheegama
Origin: Shiraiwa,Akita,Japan
Dimensions: 20mm diam (each)
Weight: 5g (both)
Materials: Shiraiwa-yaki pottery, Namako Glaze, gold gilt, titanium hardware