ユキニツキ-Snow Moon-M12
2024年9月14日 23:00 に販売終了
「ユキニツキ-Snow Moon-」は白岩焼(しらいわやき)の特徴である海鼠釉(なまこゆう)の青と、金彩のゴールドのコントラストが特徴的なシリーズ。陶器パーツの上に金の釉薬を塗り800度の窯で焼き付け、この工程を何度も繰り返すことで独特のしっとりとした金の輝きが生まれます。やや大ぶりのほどよく存在感のあるサイズ感ながら、繊細な成形法により厚みは1.5mm。陶器の重さを感じさせない軽やかな着け心地です。特別な日をさらに輝かせてくれる、そんなアクセサリーです。
サイズ:直径20mm 厚さ1.5mm
「Northern Blue」は自然の材料のみで作られる陶器パーツを使用し、窯焚きの際の小さな変化にも影響を受けるため、ふたつと同じ色には焼きあがりません。掲載写真と色合いが異なる場合がありますことをご了承ください。また、成形から金具付けまですべて手作りで制作しており、サイズや重さなど表示の数字と多少異なる場合があります。金具・パッケージは掲載写真と異なる場合があります。こわれものの陶器パーツですので、お取り扱いは丁寧にお願いします。
“Snow Moon" is characterized by the contrast between the blue of the Namako glaze, which is the hallmark of Shiraiwa pottery, and the overglazed gold. Gold glaze is applied on ceramic parts and baked in a kiln at 800 degrees. This process is repeated many times to produce a unique gold shine. The gold and blue colors complement each other, creating a dignified and elegant design.The good sense of presence makes them a key piece in an outfit. The delicate molding method has achieved a thickness of only 1.5 mm, making it light and comfortable to wear without feeling the weight of ceramics.
Studio: Shiraiwayaki Waheegama
Origin: Shiraiwa,Akita,Japan
Dimensions: 20mm diam (each)
Weight: 5g (both)
Materials: Shiraiwa-yaki pottery, Namako Glaze, gold gilt, titanium hardware
【Please be aware before buying】
The main parts of “Northern Blue" accessories are ceramic, made of only natural materials and are affected by small changes during kiln firing. Therefore, no two pieces will be fired the same color. Please note that the colors may differ from those shown in the photos. Also, all of our products are handmade - from the molding to the attachment of the metal fittings - so the size and weight may differ slightly from the indications shown. The metal fittings may differ from those shown in the photos. Please handle with care as they are fragile ceramics.
We ship by Japan Post’s EMS. Please note that we may not be able to ship to all areas. Shipping costs will vary depending on the shipping address, so please check the purchase page. The shipping cost will remain the same even if you purchase multiple items.